It Pays For Companies To Leave Russia
Posted by Jeffrey A. Sonnenfeld (Yale
School of Management), on Friday, June 24, 2022
Introduction and Methodology
Since Russia’s
invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022, the first author has led an
intensive effort to track the responses of well over 1,200 public and private
companies from across the globe, with almost 1,000 companies publicly announcing
they are voluntarily curtailing operations in Russia to some degree beyond the
bare minimum legally required by international sanctions.
The list has
been, and continues to be, continually updated with new additions and new
announcements by the first author’s team of two dozen experts with diverse
backgrounds in financial analysis, economics, accounting, strategy, governance,
geopolitics, and Eurasian affairs; with collective fluency in ten languages
including Russian, Ukrainian, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi,
Polish, and English. The dataset is compiled using not only public sources such
as government regulatory filings, tax documents, company statements, financial
analyst reports, earnings calls, Bloomberg, FactSet, MSCI, S&P Capital IQ,
Thomson Reuters, and business media from 166 countries; but also non-public
sources, including a sui generis global wiki-style network of 250+ company
insiders, whistleblowers and executive contacts.
When the list
was first published the week of February 28, only several dozen companies had
announced their departure from Russia. In the two months since, this list of
companies staying/leaving Russia has already garnered significant attention for
its role in helping catalyze the mass corporate exodus from Russia, with
widespread media coverage and circulation across company boardrooms, policymaker
circles, and other communities of concerned citizens around the world. The
authors have also written short editorials for The New York Times, The
Washington Post, Fortune, amongst others; each of which were the most-read
articles in their respective outlets for at least 36 hours upon publication.
In recognition
that the decision to exit Russia reflects a complex calculus for companies, with
varying degrees of actual curtailment of operations, the list consists of five
categories corresponding with an A-F letter grade scale, schoolhouse-style,
based on their level of curtailment.
companies making a clean break/permanent exit from Russia and/or leaving
behind no operational footprint.
companies temporarily suspending all or almost all Russian operations without
permanently exiting or divesting.
companies suspending a significant portion (but not all) of their business in
companies pausing new investments/minor operations in Russia but largely
continuing substantive business in Russia.
companies defying demands for exit or reduction of activities largely doing
Each potential
addition is carefully reviewed by a team of experts through a collaborative
process before a company is assigned a final grade through consensus and then
added to the list. The list was initially primarily focused on large US
companies with substantial exposure to Russia, but expanded over time to include
firms from across the world, particularly from Europe and Asia, as well as
public and private companies of varying size and varying presence in Russia.
proprietary database has become the basis of several thoughtful research
abstracts tracking the financial response to companies’ withdrawal from Russia,
such as the 2022 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: The Geopolitical
Business, conducted in 14 countries with 14,000 respondents in the past month
based in part on our list of companies.
In this paper,
we seek to explore the response within financial markets, across asset classes,
to the decisions individual companies are making to either exit or remain in
Russia. This work builds on a simplified earlier version which was published in
the Washington Post. This paper amplifies the response within equity markets
through various methodological approaches to measuring total shareholder returns
by letter grade—including both market capitalization weighed returns as well as
equal weighted returns. The returns by letter grade are further measured against
variables including region (North America, Asia, and Europe), as well as market
capitalization segment (small cap, mid cap, and large cap) and sector (GICS
industry classifications). Based on the clear divergent financial performance of
companies that have withdrawn from Russia relative to those that remain, an
analysis of a representative basket of companies engaged in high-profile Russian
asset write-downs and one-time impairment charges challenges the misleading but
oft-repeated argument that the value of asset write-downs exceeds the value of
equity gains. This paper then extends the study beyond public equity markets
into credit markets through an analysis of longer dated corporate debt pricing,
credit spreads and related derivative products, showing that the investor
response has been incredibly broad-based across financial markets. Our sweeping
analysis of global capital flows demonstrates the importance investors attribute
to the decision to withdraw from Russia—and that investors believe the global
reputational risk incurred by remaining in Russia at a time when nearly 1,000
major global corporations have exited far outweigh the costs of leaving.
Clearly, doing well has not been antithetical to doing good—at least when it
comes to withdrawing from Russia.
Financial Performance—Equity Markets
In this
section, we explore the financial performance, as measured through total
shareholder returns, of the companies exiting Russia relative to those remaining
in Russia. We measure performance through total shareholder returns—necessarily
excluding private companies—since other applicable metrics contain intrinsic
flaws. For example, disproportionate attention has been focused on asset
write-downs and one-time impairment charges in measuring the cost of Russian
withdrawal, though these costs only capture the loss of fixed investments in
Russia without consideration to the global reputational risk incurred by firms
that remain. Asset write-downs are also more common in capex-intensive
industries such as heavy manufacturing or commodities production but less
appropriate as a metric for measuring the performance of more human-capital
dependent industries such as professional services or software, making any
analysis based on asset-write downs inherently incomplete and incomparable
between different sectors.
Another flawed
approach in quantifying the costs to companies that have exited Russia relative
to those that remain is measuring lost Russian revenue incurred by firms
withdrawing from Russia, yet our research reveals the share of Russian revenue
as a percentage of total revenue is minimal for a majority of companies in our
dataset. Indeed, generally speaking, the lost revenue from Russian operations is
far more significant to the domestic economy of Russia—with crucial industries
ranging from automobiles to technology grinding to essentially a complete
standstill—than to the balance sheets of the companies in our dataset. Total
shareholder returns thus provides the most complete accounting of the aggregate
costs and benefits to companies from their decision to withdraw or remain in
Russia, though the metric necessarily excludes private companies for whom no
share price performance data is available. The study is thus confined to the
~600 publicly traded companies from our list.
In measuring
total shareholder returns, there are several key parameters which involve some
discretion—namely, time interval and methodology. The start date is not under
dispute. We choose to measure from the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine
onwards, and thus utilize a starting date of Wednesday February 23 at market
close reflecting the start of the invasion overnight. The end date, however,
contains more room for ambiguity. We tested two end dates—the first, through
market close April 8th, which provided a clean cut-off before the
start of 2022 Q1 earnings season, to exclude idiosyncratic moves and volatility
arising from non-Russia related earnings announcements, especially given the
significant number of FY ’22-’23 forward guidance revisions released on these
earnings calls related to more macro drivers such as inflation and growth and
liquidity. The second end date tested was through market close April 19th,
to capture a full eight weeks, equivalent to two months, from the start of the
invasion. As additional confirmation, for our overall A-F category return
calculations, we also tested a third time period of February 23rd to
March 14th, which generally tracked the steep initial market-wide
sell-off in the days immediately after Russia’s invasion, which we refer to as
the market “fall” period.
Likewise, when
measuring performance of a basket of stocks, there are two commonly accepted
methodologies. We cluster companies into five buckets aligning with the letter
grade categories assigned to companies, on the A-F scale described above, and
thus test two methodologies for computing the value of these baskets of stocks:
1) a market capitalization weighted method, also known as a market value
weighted method, in which individual companies are included in amounts that
correspond to their total market capitalization, with larger companies receiving
a higher weighting and smaller companies receiving less weighting; and 2) an
equal weighted method, in which all stocks are given the same proportional
weight regardless of size in evaluating the overall group’s performance. While
we include results for both methodologies, we advise that market capitalization
weighting is likely a more accurate representation of total category performance
reflecting actual financial markets more closely.
Table #1:
Market Capitalization Weighted Returns by Letter Grade Through Different Time
Periods Since Start of Russian Invasion
Table #2:
Equal Weighted Returns by Letter Grade Through Different Time Periods Since
Start of Russian Invasion
We see that
since Russia invaded Ukraine, companies that curtailed operations in Russia have
generally dramatically outperformed companies that did not, via both the market
capitalization weighting and equal weighting methodologies, and across both the
April 8th and April 19th end dates. We see this trend was
especially pronounced in the weeks immediately after the invasion, during the
“fall” period. Of particular significance is the fact that the F category
consistently underperformed all other categories by a statistically significant
degree in every trial.
A linear
regression using (1) equal weighted returns and (2) market capitalization
weighted returns as the independent variable confirmed this trend. After
converting the A-F grades to a numeric score of 1-5 (1 = F, 5 = A) to run the
regressions, a linear regression using grades (x) and equal weighted returns (y)
yielded y=-0.06 + 0.01x. Thus, stripping away the grades in the relationship,
each company starts with a base negative return of -6%. The regression estimate
suggests that each better grade added +1.12% returns to performance, or
approximately corresponding with grade F = -5%; D = -4%; C = -3%; B = -2%; and A
= -1%. Likewise, a linear regression using grades (x) and market capitalization
weighted returns (y) yielded y=-0.07 + 0.02x, suggesting that each better grade
added 2% returns to performance when weighted by market capitalization.
Furthermore, a linear regression using grades (x) and market capitalization (y)
was not statistically significant with a p-value of 0.67 far above the 0.05
p-value threshold, confirming that size played no role in determining companies’
response to the war.
Table #3:
Linear Regression Using Grades (X) and Equal Weighted Returns (Y)
Table #4:
Linear Regression Using Grades (X) and Market Capitalization Weighted Returns
Table #5:
Linear Regression Using Grades (X) and Market Capitalization (Y)
The pattern of
F companies underperforming generally aligns with our anecdotal observations
from updating the list in real-time. As soon as our list first appeared on CNBC
on March 7th, many of the companies we identified as remaining in Russia saw
their stocks plummet 15 to 30 percent, even though key market indices fell only
about 2 to 3 percent—but now our findings confirm that financial markets are
systematically rewarding companies that withdraw while punishing those that
Table #6:
Performance of New “F” Companies on March 7th, 2022, and Since Start
of Invasion Relative to Major Market Indices
The returns
for major market indices over the same periods we tested are provided below, but
we note that by virtue of the fact our list contains publicly traded stocks
across different regions, and given highly divergent regional performance
post-invasion, it is more appropriate to benchmark companies from a specific
region to their respective region benchmark as opposed to taking the categories
in aggregate across the entire list. Thus, we provide detailed breakdowns of
performance of A category companies relative to F category companies,
cross-tabulated against region, below across both equal-weight and market-cap
weight methodologies and across various time intervals.
Table #7:
Returns of Major Market Indices vs. Companies On Our List Through Different Time
Periods Since Start of Russian Invasion
Table #8:
Market Capitalization Weighted Returns by Letter Grade and Region From Start of
Invasion Through April 8th
Table #9:
Market Capitalization Weighted Returns by Letter Grade and Region From Start of
Invasion Through April 19th
Table #10:
Market Capitalization Weighted Returns by Letter Grade and Region From Start of
Invasion Through April 19th
Table #11:
Equal Weighted Returns by Letter Grade and Region From Start of Invasion Through
April 8th
Table #12:
Equal Weighted Returns by Letter Grade and Region From Start of Invasion Through
April 19th
significantly, we see from our regional breakdown that in every single region,
and across every time interval and methodology tested, without exception,
companies which withdrew from Russia dramatically outperformed companies which
remained in Russia, with statistically significant outperformance and
underperformance, respectively, established through regression p-values below
the 0.05 threshold—though for Asia, statistical significance was impossible to
establish given the small sample size of Asian companies that have withdrawn
from Russia publicly.
We see that
the performance by region across our list generally aligned with regional
benchmarks, though, interestingly, in North America, the companies included on
our list, in aggregate, somewhat underperformed the major indices, and likewise
with North American companies that withdrew underperforming the major indices.
Perhaps this can be explained by the number of significant components of the S&P
500 and Nasdaq 100 which did not have any exposure to Russia at all and thus
were less directly adversely impacted by the outbreak of war—as Russia
represents less than 2% of US trade in goods and services. It is conceivable
that market sentiment has been relatively lower for companies that have any
exposure to Russia relative to companies that have no direct exposure to Russia
at all, but nevertheless, the dramatic differential performance between
companies that stayed in Russia and those that left speaks for itself.
Another key
consideration beyond regional divergences is the fact our dataset of 600
publicly traded companies contains companies of all sizes. Particularly when
market-capitalization weight is used, larger-size companies can
disproportionately dominate performance results—and given our list skews towards
larger companies to begin with, with relatively fewer small companies (383 large
cap companies vs. 59 small cap companies), this bias towards large companies
disproportionately dominating results could hypothetically carry over into
equal-weighted results as well. Thus, we ran detailed breakdowns of performance
of A category companies relative to F category companies, cross-tabulated
against size as measured by market cap segment, below across both equal-weight
and market-cap weight methodologies and across various time intervals. For the
purposes of this analysis, we define small cap as any company with a market
capitalization up to $2 billion; mid cap as any company with a market
capitalization between $2 billion and $10 billion; and large cap as any company
with a market capitalization above $10 billion. All market capitalizations are
measured in USD and in the case of foreign companies, we used foreign currency
conversion rates into USD as of the end date of the time interval measured in
each trial.
Table #13:
Market Capitalization Weighted Returns by Letter Grade and Market Capitalization
Segment, From Start of Invasion Through April 8th
Table #14:
Market Capitalization Weighted Returns by Letter Grade and Market Capitalization
Segment, From Start of Invasion Through April 19th
Table #15:
Equal Weighted Returns by Letter Grade and Market Capitalization Segment, From
Start of Invasion Through April 8th
Table #16:
Equal Weighted Returns by Letter Grade and Market Capitalization Segment, From
Start of Invasion Through April 19th
Just as for
the analysis by region, we see from this breakdown by market capitalization
segment that in all three market cap segments, and across every time interval
and methodology tested, without exception, companies which withdrew from Russia
dramatically outperformed companies which remained in Russia, with statistically
significant outperformance and underperformance, respectively, once again. In
fact, the level of statistical significance is practically identical across all
three segments, suggesting that these results were not just the product of a
handful of large cap companies but rather reflects remarkable breadth and
consistency across every corner of the market, ranging from household names and
industry giants to more obscure companies. Smaller companies which might have
hoped to continue operations in Russia while flying under the radar of
investors, media, and consumers were evidently not immune to strong investor
backlash, and were comparably punished as more well-known peers in terms of
stock performance.
hypothetical argument we seek to proactively dispel is that some variation in
the divergent return profiles could be hypothetically attributed to the
different sectoral composition of the companies that are leaving Russia vs. the
companies that are staying. Once more, we ran detailed breakdowns of performance
of A category companies relative to F category companies, cross-tabulated
against sector, below across both equal-weight and market-cap weight
methodologies and across various time intervals. For all sector classifications,
we deferred to the GICS standard, the industry taxonomy developed in 1999 by
MSCI and S&P for use by the global financial community consisting of sectors,
industry groups, industries and sub-industries into which all major public
companies are categorized.
Table #17:
Market Capitalization Weighted Returns by Letter Grade and Sector, From Start of
Invasion Through April 8th
Table #18:
Market Capitalization Weighted Returns by Letter Grade and Sector, From Start of
Invasion Through April 19th
Table #19:
Equal Weighted Returns by Letter Grade and Sector, From Start of Invasion
Through April 8th
Table #20:
Equal Weighted Returns by Letter Grade and Sector, From Start of Invasion
Through April 19th
From this
breakdown by sector, across communication services, consumer discretionary,
energy, financial services, industrials, information technology, materials, and
utilities, and across every time interval and methodology tested, companies
which withdrew from Russia dramatically outperformed companies which remained in
Russia. The only exception which emerged is in the case of utilities, largely
arising from small sample size given most utilities in Russia are operated by
domestic, not foreign companies. There is only a single utility which completely
withdrew from Russia and only two utilities which remain in Russia, and one of
these remaining companies, of very small size, underwent a significant liquidity
event leading to outsized gains in mid-April and thus skewing the equal-weight
returns when measured through April 19th.
From this
analysis, it clearly emerges that shareholder returns generally correspond with
their decision to withdraw or remain in Russia, and those with an A
rating—companies which have made a clean break or permanent exit from
Russia—have performed far better than those with a F rating—companies which are
“digging in” and defying demand to reduce activities in Russia. This pattern
holds true across multiple methodologies and time intervals tested, and cannot
be explained by either regional variation, sector variation, or size variation.
Remarkably, in another variation of the same test, we found that if companies
that are undergoing special corporate actions such as M&A—and whose stocks are
being driven by idiosyncratic factors rather than broad market movements or
underlying company performance—are stripped from the dataset, the stock returns
of companies that remain in Russia exhibit even greater underperformance.
Financial Performance—Wealth Creation Far Greater than Value of Asset
Write-Downs for Companies That Leave Russia
For all the
attention given to the firms that exited Russia completely and which have
incurred billions in Russian asset write-downs in the process, our research
reveals that the wealth creation driven by gains to shareholder equity far
outweigh the actual write-downs themselves.
To compare the
shareholder wealth created against the value of asset write-downs, we first
retrieved the announcement dates for the write-downs in our sample of companies.
We then retrieved the last closing stock prices prior to each announcement and
compared it to the 2/23 price to determine the stock’s “war return”. We then
compared the war returns to the respective returns since each asset write-down.
Furthermore, we obtained the market capitalization of the stock on the date
prior to each write-down announcement and multiplied it by the stock return
since the announcement in order to obtain the gain/loss in the companies’ equity
value since the announcement.
Remarkably, at
least six companies which incurred significant announced asset-write
downs—Heineken, Shell, Exxon, Carlsberg, AB InBev, and Societe Generale—have
actually seen more wealth created, far outweighing the value of the written-down
assets, when taken in aggregate. Perhaps even more surprisingly, each of these
companies had positive stock performance after the announcements of their exits
from Russia and the values of their asset write-downs—after their stocks
initially tanked in the period leading up to their announcement in most cases,
as shown by the negative “war returns” below. On balance, these companies
incurred asset write-downs of over $14 billion but have generated nearly $39
billion in subsequent equity gains. Even one high-profile idiosyncratic case not
included here, BP, is in the green on the year after incurring an unprecedented,
historic one-time impairment of $25 billion for divesting its considerable
Rosneft stake. This suggests that clearly investors are much more focused on
rewarding companies for shedding reputational risk by exiting Russia than
bemoaning the one-time impairment charges of leaving fixed assets behind.
Table #21:
Value of Overall Equity Gains vs. Losses from Russian Asset Write-Downs
Financial Performance—Credit and Derivative Markets
Equity markets
are not the only asset class where financial markets have clearly been rewarding
companies for leaving Russia while punishing those that remain. The same trend
is evident across credit markets—specifically the pricing of corporate debt—and
related derivative products. To evaluate the way the market was pricing the
different gradings of corporate debt in the medium to long term as well as infer
the market-implied expectation of business health, cross-tabulated against the
business exodus from Russia, we had to study changes in longer maturity
corporate debt as well as related derivative products that would enable us to
isolate and analyze individual risk factors such as liquidity or credit risk.
We chose to
study the changes in probability of default on bonds (utilizing the Bloomberg
Database) issued by corporations on our list to check for whether the expected
payoff on securities of those graded more poorly were shifting closer to the
kink and making that particular credit more information sensitive. Our thesis
was that across the majority of sectors, firms graded more poorly will suffer a
sharper increase in probability of financial difficulty if not default which
should then eventually price into credit spreads (especially as recovery rates
vis a vis Russian assets may also fall) and the credit event insurances such as
CDS or Credit Linked Notes—this is something we continue to monitor. The results
of our analysis corroborated our initial hypothesis. Although we saw a general
increase in probability of default of all corporates in our study of 500+
corporations, on a relative basis we found that across several sectors the
increase in default probability was greater for those corporates who fell into
the categories of “Digging In’ and “Buying Time’ versus those marked as
“Withdrawal’ and “Suspension’. For example, within the Financial Services
sector, the increase in bond default probability was 6.49% higher for the lower
graded pool of companies, the same trend was seen for, inter alia, Consumer
Staples, Information Technology, Materials and Energy.
Table #22:
Percentage Change in Bond Default Probability by Grade and Sector, From Start of
Invasion Through April 8th
Taking a
geographic lens, we saw similarly that if bond default probabilities were
averaged across corporates on our list domiciled in North America, Europe and
Asia, those that took more stringent corporate actions such as “Withdrawal” or
“Suspension” suffered from an increase in default probabilities that was almost
8.9% smaller than for their lower graded comparable peers.
Table #23:
Percentage Change in Bond Default Probability by Grade and Region, From Start of
Invasion Through April 8th
What this data
reveals is that although the present geopolitical risk has brought into slightly
increased question the coverage capabilities of most corporations, as reflected
by the overall increase in default probabilities, those that have doubled down
on Russia have been punished by investors taking a longer term view. It seems
thus that the credit market has rewarded corporations who take a stand on this
geopolitical issue today to continue to remain in favor from an international
business perspective, as well as avoid the negative effect of international
economic sanctions, reputational risk and consumer scrutiny that will likely
weigh on those who stay quiet.
Despite the
disproportionate attention given to the supposed losses incurred from exiting
Russian operations or from divestiture of Russia, financial markets are clearly
discounting outsized gains from exiting Russia, across asset classes, geography,
and time periods. Indeed, using our proprietary dataset tracking now well over
1,200 companies, we demonstrate that total shareholder returns since the
invasion have corresponded precisely with the level of curtailment of Russian
operations, with linear regressions revealing that each increase in letter grade
accounts for, on average, 1-2% of enhanced stock performance, dependent on
methodology. This trend cannot be explained by variations in either regional,
sector or market cap segment. Furthermore, we find that size and pre-existing
exposure to Russia played no role in determining a company’s response to the
Given the
outperformance of stocks of companies that have withdrawn from Russia, the
shareholder wealth created through equity gains have already far surpassed the
cost of one-time impairments from asset write-downs across a representative
sample of high-profile companies which have engaged in Russian divestitures and
asset sales at highly discounted valuations.
We find the
pattern of financial markets rewarding companies for exiting from Russia is not
confined to only public equity markets. Our study of credit and derivative
markets, in particular longer maturity corporate debt, credit spreads, and
related credit default swap pricing, reveals a slight but statistically
significant increase in market-implied default probability of the companies that
remain in Russia relative to those that have withdrawn.
global capital flows across financial markets demonstrate the importance
investors attribute to the decision to withdraw from Russia. Capital allocators
clearly and unequivocally believe the risks associated with remaining in Russia
at a time when nearly 1,000 major global corporations have exited far outweigh
the costs of exiting Russia.
The complete
paper is available for download here.
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