1, 2006 |
By Caroline Thomas
Thomas investigates the possibility of an open-access governance
database and the implications for both companies and the rating
In the complicated world of corporate governance ratings, discussions
of databases, cooperation and information sharing are in the air. Two
leading academic institutions and some of the most powerful players in
the governance rating business are involved or have given public
encouragement to the creation of an independent information resource –
something that could transform the use and influence of corporate
governance ratings. For some, including Gary Lutin, an investment
banker at New York-based Lutin & Company, this can’t happen soon
enough. Lutin, who conducts shareholder forums on corporate control
matters, has been encouraging the idea of a governance database since
the middle of last year. ‘There’s always been concern about having
sufficient access to corporate governance information, but this was
heightened when the Investor Responsibility Research Center was bought
last year,’ he comments. In July 2005, when Institutional Shareholder
Services (ISS) bought IRRC, which only provided research and not
opinions, some in the industry felt a crucial governance resource had
been lost. ‘IRRC was viewed as a communal information source, like an
academic institution,’ says Lutin. ‘When ISS bought it, it focused
everyone’s attention on the fact that it was now under the control of
a commercial entity.’ According to Lutin, this led to discussions
about the necessity of creating a new communal information center, one
that would contain a database of accurate information while improving
efficiency, reducing costs and increasing the use of governance data
for as many users as possible.
Relying on
the academics
One idea is to establish an entirely new academic institute, and a
pair of prestigious universities have done just that. On March 6 of
this year, Stanford Law School launched the Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock
Center for Corporate Governance – the first of its kind on the west
coast. Headed by professors Robert Daines and Joseph Grundfest (a
former SEC commissioner), the school studies issues such as
shareholder rights, the future of the auditing industry and
international governance. The Stanford center also announced that it
will launch an open-source database, providing information about the
governance characteristics of major companies. This information, which
will be free and accessible to all, will allow users to generate
avariety of governance scores. Stanford launched a similar databasefor
securities class-action data about a decade ago and is preparing to
launch one for intellectual property litigation information. ‘We’re
fairly far down the road with our plans for the corporate governance
database,’ says Grundfest. ‘We have financing in place and are doing
some interesting research into a variety of initiatives.’ He notes,
however, that it is still too early to talk about any specifics of the
database, but says it will be of broad interest. ‘It will be helpful
to investors, corporations, regulators, policymakers and the press.’
According to Grundfest, the information in the database will most
likely come directly from corporations themselves. ‘Any other method
would be incredibly expensive,’ he explains. Three months after
Stanford launched its center, Yale University opened the Yale Center
for Corporate Governance and Performance (YCCGP) on June 12. Ira
Millstein, senior partner at international law firm Weil, Gotshal &
Manges and senior associate dean for corporate governance at Yale
School of Management, serves as director. At the inauguration the
following day – during a panel discussion involving ISS CEO John
Connolly, Glass Lewis CEO Greg Taxin and Proxy Governance founder and
CEO Steve Wallman – talk turned to the possible creation of a communal
information resource. Those attending the meeting say Connolly offered
to help establish a common database and agreed to assume leadership
and offer Yale the opportunity to host the project. In discussions
after the panel session, Taxin apparently agreed to support the
establishment of the database, while Wallman chose to reserve
judgment. Connolly and Taxin were not available to comment for this
article. ISS, however, sent a statement about the Yale discussion:
‘During the Yale corporate governance forum, ISS CEO John Connolly
said that enormous progress has been made by institutions and
corporations in understanding the value of corporate governance. He
went on to suggest that proxy advisors come together to collaborate on
an industry-wide initiative that would provide critical insight into
the most important issues facing investors.’ No further information
was given on what such an initiative might involve. Millstein says he
is still keen to work with ISS and Glass Lewis to create a governance
database. ‘Yale is known as a convener of people. We’re renowned for
bringing parties together and providing a locale for discussion,’ he
comments. ‘We would be happy to host a meeting with ISS and Glass
Lewis to determine how to put a database together. As soon as we hear
from them, we’re prepared to work with them.’ The National Association
of Corporate Directors (NACD) had also been looking into creating a
governance database, but stopped when it saw what Stanford was
launching, says Peter Gleason, COO and director of research for NACD.
The murky world of rating agencies Preliminary documents from January
2006 regarding the planning stages of a Yale-affiliated database
outline the reasons such a resource is seen as necessary by
supporters: ‘While there has been recent and significant attention to
strengthening corporate governance in the United States, there is not
presently an independent organization dedicated to ensuring that
shareholders have reliable, independent and analytically secure
information on which to base decisions about proxy voting and related
issues.’ One problem, according to supporters of a governance
database, is that governance information is often accessed via
potentially biased sources. ‘Many of the concerns center around the
commercial interests that are perceived in the way information is
processed by rating agencies,’ says Philip Armstrong, head of
Washington, DC-based Global Corporate Governance Forum, an initiative
of the World Bank and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD). The lack of transparency is also a cause for
criticism, with many calling for rating agencies to display the same
level of openness they demand of listed companies, including
disclosing how they arrived at a rating and how they weight different
criteria. Mark Hoffman, Seattle-based partner at DLA Piper Rudnick
Gray Cary and chair of the firm’s public company and corporate
governance practice, says clients sometimes want to better understand
a governance rating. ‘With ISS, for example, it’s not always clear
which CGQ [corporate governance quotient] components matter most, so
clients will call saying they don’t understand why their rating is
lower than their peers’ ratings.’ ‘In conversations with ISS and Proxy
Governance, we’ve told them they have to articulate how they reached
their recommendations and who made them,’ adds Tom Lehner, director of
public policy at the Business Roundtable. Another problem can be
inaccurate data used to achieve ratings. Sometimes this is due to an
error on the part of companies, and sometimes the rating agencies make
mistakes. For Hoffman, errors can occur when agencies use the wrong
state of incorporation for a company or fail to take into account the
nuances of state law. ‘In Washington, for example, companies are not
allowed to opt out of the corporate takeover statute, but sometimes
this is not recognized by rating agencies,’ he says. Although much of
the raw data used in ratings is publicly available, its
inaccessibility to non-professional investors also draws criticism.
‘For retail investors and academics, it’s fairly expensive to get hold
of the corporate governance information, so currently relatively few
access it,’ says Ken Bertsch, senior vice president and director of
corporate governance at Moody’s Investors Service. ‘Some aca- demics
might, but it’s still a challenge for them to search through all the
pieces. A database that made information more widely available would
have a very positive impact on the market.’ Bertsch adds that if
people had easier access to corporate governance information, it could
reduce the number of errors, too. ‘With increased human analysis,
unintentional and intentional mistakes on the part of companies are
more likely to be caught,’ he says. A wide range of benefits One aim
of a governance database would be to collate much of the standard
information required by various parties, increasing efficiency on all
sides. The factual data – for example, board composition – is
something everyone shares. The four main proxy advisors and
researchers all independently acquire the same information. Howard
Sherman, co-founder and chief operating officer at GovernanceMetrics
International (GMI), agrees that there could be improvements to the
current system of data collection. ‘GMI spends a huge amount of time
reviewing corporate filings, news sources, web sites and stock
exchange data to profile each company in our database,’ he says.
‘There’s a fair amount of data that is very specific and standard and
is just pulled from company logs. If there was a way to quickly access
that data, and if enough information was included in such a database,
then that would be very interesting to us as a way of making our
processes more efficient.’ One example of such a database is the
London Stock Exchange’s Corporate Responsibility Exchange, launched in
late 2004. This online tool allows companies to put all of their
corporate responsibility information – from a range of different
departments – in one place and meet the needs of various rating
systems all at once. So far, more than 100 companies have signed up,
according to an LSE spokesperson. The benefits of a database to the
academic world are also currently being discussed by various
interested parties. ‘There’s still a lot of inconclusive research
about corporate governance coming out,’ says George Dallas, managing
director and global practice leader of the governance and advisory
services unit at Standard & Poor’s. ‘Paper A will say one thing; paper
B will say the opposite. We need more evidence than we currently have.
Right now it seems there are more opinions than facts about corporate
governance.’ It would also be a way to encourage academics to do more
comparisons between companies, uncover commonality or delve into any
regional differences. According to Sherman, increased resources for
academics would help those on the receiving end of inquiries, too. ‘We
probably receive more e-mails requesting information from academics,
professors and PhD students than anyone else,’ he says. The benefits
to companies, of course, would also be numerous. A database could be a
valuable tool, from a company perspective, for benchmarking one’s own
practice against immediate peers. Companies could mine the information
and use it to build their own understanding of what the metrics are
and how they fit into their sector. The potential time-saving benefits
of an information database will no doubt be of interest to every
overworked corporate secretary as well. Companies already have
significant SEC disclosure requirements and are inundated with
questionnaires from a range of different groups often asking about the
same issues. In addition, when information used by these groups is
wrong, companies have to spend even more time correcting it. ‘The
people I’ve talked to on the corporate side about this have been among
the most enthusiastic supporters,’ adds Lutin.
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